Friday, November 13, 2009

Two Sided Day

Veteran's day is my birthday, always has been and always will be. I can remember when the only thing I worried about on Nov 11th was my birthday. As I got older, I had a birthday, parade responsibilities and dinner with my family to think about. You see for 34 years, I have been a military dependent. I went from being the granddaughter, daughter, and niece of men in the military to being the wife of a man in uniform.

My hubby with our two great kids. We drove through San Antonio on our most recent PCS move.

My dad and stepmother with the my kids. They are 100% supportive of us and always try to visit us wherever we are living.

I know that it is late postingthis, but our Interent was all messed up. We got it fixed yesterday and I am just now sitting down long enough to think.

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