Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No power

Monday mornings, in the wee hours, before anyone was awake, we lost power. Does that describe how early that was. Ha Ha! The kicker is that we did not get power back until Tuesday afternoon about 4:00 pm. That is a long time for this mama. We made it though.

The kids got Chick Fil A yesterday for lunch, as well as some time spent at the library and Barnes and Noble. That helped us get through the day. The Lord favored us and kept the temperatures mild so that we did not suffocate in the heat and humidity. We had a breeze blowing through the house constantly.

We lost all the frozen food. It is still in the freezer because garbage does not run until tomorrow.

My poor husband call yesterday afternoon when I was done with the whole power outage. He went into a mild panic and wanted to know what my plan was. I told him my plan was to survive, he did not like that but he cannot do much from Iraq.

Anyways, looks like the transformers had some corrosion due to salt air. I guess living this close to the beach does have some disadvantages. We are good now. Have a great Wednesday. Amanda

1 comment:

Mississippi Girl said...

I just read your comment over at my blog (!!!) not quite sure how long ago you left it... so sorry. I have been a horrible blogger lately, but finally posted something after a long absence. You can email me at