Sunday, March 29, 2009

Settling In

AHHH! Finally some time to myself. The house is somewhat put together. At least most things have a place and I still need to hang pictures.
We made it through 6 nights of hotel rooms, 2 vehicles, 2 kids, and 2 dogs across the country. We had one flat tire and one bad hotel stay. The kids did great, I think they were so excited about traveling that they did not get very bored. I would like to say there was so much to see, but have you traveled across Texas lately. We spent 2 nights in San Antonio and took the kids to the Alamo and Riverwalk.
Our new town seems like a great little town to raise a family in. There are people out walking all the time. Some pushing strollers and some walking dogs, we even saw one lady pushing her dog in a stroller. We have a Wal Mart and a Target and many great grocery stores. My favorite by far is an organic grocery store.
R starts his check in process tomorrow for the school that he will be attending. He is excited and nervous all rolled into one.
C has to get back into the swing of things with homeschooling tomorrow. I had thought that I may be able to get a few things accomplished while traveling but she is not that disciplined yet. It will be a rough day tomorrow as she has a tendency to fight me.
Have a great week.

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