Monday, October 5, 2009

Finding Steady Ground

When you stop doing what you have been doing for some time you can loose a sense of who you are. That happened to me after my kids went back to school, after over a year of homeschooling. We have all been trying to find steady ground again.
Luckily, we are at a school that encourages parent involvement and I love helping. I spent 3 morning a week helping is my little man's preK class and than always stop in and see if I can help in my girl's 3rd grade class. I know that it will be a matter of time before she does not want me around so I will help all I can right now.
Since we move so much, my policy still stands - If we are in a school district that is not good or healthy for my kids, the we homeschool. No questions asked, we are not afraid of the schools or scared to homeschool . We will always do what is best for our kids.
BUT, I miss it. I miss the day to day interaction. I miss teaching, explaining, and see them learn. I am ok with where they are, but I still crave homeschooling in my soul. We may be back there someday with one or both of the kids. Until then, I will continue to enjoy the time at the school helping all the kids and the teachers.

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