Molly from Econobusters, has another issue of the Money Saving Digest coming out soon. The May issue is full of info, articles, and ideas you will not want to miss out. This is a great issue to get. All previous issues are just $4.95 and still available.
There are great ideas for all those delicious strawberries out there. I love strawberry picking time. Of course being in California, our strawberries have been blooming for a while and I have no idea how long that will last.
Other ideas from the May issue is decorating, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day ideas. Molly does a great job of including links to other websites that are full of ideas for school, home, and play. Maybe you have an idea that you would like to share with Molly.
I hope you take the time to get and read this issue of Molly's Money-Saving Digest. So many ideas to keep you fueled as you start to plan your next year of homeschooling. What a blessing Molly is!
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