Tapestry of Grace has made it easier for you by developing a Digital Edition of their infamous curriculum. The download process does take some time, but once you have the whole year or unit within the year you will have access to a wealth of information with instructions. I don't know about you but I need all the help and guidance I can get.
Like many other popular curricula, TOG is mostly literature based. If you live near a large library system that has no problems with inter-library loan then getting the books will not be a problem. I started this program living in Slidell, LA which is still recovering from Katrina and moved to California and there are many more books available. So I will be able to pick TOG back up this fall.
One you download the Year or a Unit in the year, then it is yours. Make as many copies as you need for you and your family, but not for others or to sell. If your computer crashes or you get another computer, the tech guys will get you set up with one phone call.
TOG is classical in nature and does take a bit of time to prepare. Take your time and waddle through, I think that you will be happy in the end. What I love is that you only have to buy one set and it comes with everything for multiple grades. For instance, I will have a Kindergartner and a 3rd grader this fall. Not at all on the same level, but they can easily listen or read the same stories.
TOG is one of the more expensive curricula and it is just for history. Although I think that something as good as TOG is worth it, one of the advantages to the digital edition is the lower cost and lack of shipping and handling. You may have to print out many pages yourself, but you do not need to print everything.
Curious, you can take a look at the Tapestry of Grace website and answer many questions.
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